Jupiter announced that it will now introduce Jito Bundles-based Tipping into its Swap feature to help users minimize losses from MEV attacks. Users simply select the "Jito Tip" option in the Jupiter interface before making a redemption, and the transaction is sent directly to the Jito validator, tipped, and the request is posted directly on Solana without going through public RPC. This allows transactions to remain hidden from searchers seeking MEV opportunities until they are linked to Solana, ...
Jupiter宣布,即日起在其Swap功能中上线基于Jito Bundles的小费(Tipping)功能,以帮助用户最大限度避免MEV攻击带来的损失。 用户只需在进行兑换前选择Jupiter界面中的“Jito Tip”选项,交易就会直接发送给Jito验证者,并支付小费,请求直接在Solana上发布,而不经过公共RPC。这使得在交易上链Solana之前,交易能够对寻求MEV机会的搜索者保持隐蔽,从而最大限度降低被MEV攻击的可能...